Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Star Citizen Competition.

Robert Space Industries has a competition starting soon. The registration period is October 31st to December 31st. They are looking for a team of up to three people to design a ship for them. You have to go through a few challenges first. The first one is designing a weapon. For further details check out their website


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Goodbye Deponia

I am a big fan of Adventure games especially the old Monkey Island games. The first and second games. I don't have any interest in the ones that came after that. I am surprised that I didn't notice Deponia when it came out on Steam last year. Daedalic Entertainment the company that created it. Have released a new addition to the Series called Goodbye Deponia. I really like comedy adventure games so I'll certainly get it and the previous games too.

Rocksmith Rank 11 achieved!

Well at 11.17pm UK time I played my last setlist to get the final rank. I picked my own set usually I just play whatever the computer game gives me. The list was as follows. The top scores I have achieved with the songs are part of the list. I think the only song I played better than usual at would be Muse's song. That would be because I've played it quite a bit recently. The score next to Plug in Baby I achieved during the final setlist. I then got a single note Encore that I wasn't prepared for so I didn't get any points for it as far as I can tell.

Bring me to life - Evanescence - 109, 315
The Final Countdown - Europe - 105,251 first combo
Gone Away - The Offspring - 120,810
Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups - 108,020
Plug in Baby - Muse - 114,722

The Master Encore was Next Girl by the Black Keys a song that I've scored 111,544 when I can see the notes. Its a pity they don't let you prepare for a master encore. It doesn't make much sense how can you prepare to play a song you have no idea is about to appear. I have quite a few songs on Rocksmith not just the ones that the game comes with.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

I got Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon with Call of Juarez Gunslinger on Steam. This game is cliche on purpose. Lots of cheesy one liners etc. Its meant to be a nostalgia game. Since its all about the eighties I of course love this game. Its annoying that you have to use Ubisofts Uplay through Steam. I would have preferred just to play the game through Steam. Instead you have to create yet another account just to play it. The game is worth getting despite the Uplay nonsense. So I highly recommend it. :)

Far Cry 3

I got Far Cry 3 this September. It wasn't a bad game. The story and characters where a bit cliche. It wasn't very surprising that the brother in the story most able to protect everyone gets killed by the bad guys very early on in the cut scenes. Crazy bad guys are nothing new either. I won't comment on the rest of the story since it would spoil it for anyone who hasn't played the game. I did enjoy the game though. The characters and the scenery made the game interesting. It is my sort of FPS since it has a story line. I chose the good guy ending. I know its only a computer game however I just won't play the other option. It's too grim for me thanks. I'm just not that interested in the alternative ending.

Far Cry 3 is a bit like a modern day Skyrim but not as long a game.

Saints Row 2

I played quite a few games in September. I bought them all from steam. The first one was Saints Row 2. I got into Saints Row when the third game came out. The older game is different in some ways. The characters have a more realistic style to them. The vehicles are pretty much the same. I won't say there was much more in the way of customization. I'm not surprised though since it was a port from a console. Its not a very good port either. I don't like the way healing works in the game. Its also really annoying that you have to press Escape during the cut seen in the middle of the Airport mission in order to continue playing the game. I wasn't impressed the first time the screen went black at that point. Its a good thing Google quite often finds the answer for you. :)

The way you take care of the main enemies in the game is much more brutal than Saints Row the Third. I won't spoil the story line for anyone who hasn't played the game before. I would have liked to have seen the fourth Saints Row with more realistic characters. I have to say in both games that the hair isn't great. The Sims 3 is like that too. I know they have to simplify hair to make it into polygons but it just doesn't look great. I don't really like how these games apply hair colour to your characters either. Saints Row 2 is a good game overall anyway. Despite any flaws.

Here is a video I found on YouTube to give you an idea of what the game is like.